TWINSET For You is the loyalty program designed to make your shopping an even more special experience. Receive news and exclusive services, offers and promotions created especially for you: Find out more.
Enter the world of TWINSET in just a few minutes: simply fill out the registration form.
For more information please read the full program rules here.
You can amend your details in your personal area. Contact our Customer Care if you need further assistance.
TWINSET For You regulations are available here.
TWINSET For You status levels are based on purchase history, i.e. on the total you spent since your first purchase.
At each new status level reached, you will enjoy increasingly more exclusive perks and benefits.
TWINSET For You status levels are:
Bronze: 0 – €499.99
Silver: €500 – €1,499.99
Gold: €1,500 – €3,999.99
Black: €4,000 – and over
For details on reaching the above-mentioned spending thresholds, please read the regulations.
At the end of the expenditure accumulation, any local currency purchases not in € will be converted using the official exchange rate on the day of payment.
You can check your status and discover all the perks and offers developed for you in your TWINSET For You personal area.
Contact our Customer Care if you need further assistance.
Online orders will be pending until the return period ends. After 30 days, they will automatically be unlocked based on the net value of your purchase and credited to your TWINSET For You profile.
If you return one ore more items, the amount paid for those items will be detracted from your TWINSET For You profile balance.
Your status is valid for 12 months starting from the date of the first purchase you made online.
To renew your status for the following year, all you have to do is make a purchase during the six months prior to the expiry date of your status.
You can check your expiry date in your personal area, in the TWINSET For You section.
All offers, perks and promotions part of the TWINSET For You program can be used online and in participating boutiques.
The Welcome Voucher is a 10% off voucher we send after registration, to welcome you into the world of TWINSET. You will receive a promo code at the email address your provided, valid for 30 days from the date of issue, for a single online purchase.
The Happy Birthday offer is a gift from us, to celebrate your birthday together. Simply share your date of birth with us, and you will qualify for 10% off your purchases, from 7 days prior and up to 14 days after your birthday. The offer is valid for one purchase only and can be used online, after logging in to your account.
The TWINSET Anniversary is a gift to celebrate the anniversary of you first encounter with TWINSET, and it will active from 21 days before the anniversary date of your first purchase. The 10% off offer is valid for one purchase only and can be used online after logging in to your account.
Gift Cards are issued for specific status upgrades. The value of the Gift Card varies depending on the level reached:
Silver: €50 gift card on a €150 minimum purchase;
Gold: €75 gift card on a €250 minimum purchase;
Black: €100 gift card on a €350 minimum purchase.
The Gift Card is sent 30 days after the status upgrade and expires 6 months after the date it was sent. If you are upgraded more than once during the same month, you will be entitled to all the Gift Cards you have unlocked, which will be sent to you separately.
No, the Gift Card purchase amount will not be credited to the TWINSET For You profile.
Yes, the purchase of an item with a Gift Card is credited to the TWINSET For You profile.
TWINSET Digital Store is currently available in the countries/regions listed below.
Please be advised that changing your location while shopping will remove all items from your shopping bag
In which language do you wish to browse the TWINSET Digital Store?
You're visiting the website from United States
Give us your e-mail address: we will get in touch as soon as the TWINSET Digital Store will be available in this country.
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